Part of the ongoing French cultural festival, La Fête, this year’s Film Festival features a lineup of ten contemporary French movies spread over a week-long period. This year’s event has a particular focus on comedy and humor, with highlights including: . Fabrice Luchini in Service Entrance (Les Femmes du 6ème Etage, 2011), the comic story of how the boring life of a conservative man is turned upside down when a group of Spanish maids move in upstairs; . Un Heureux Evénement (A Happy Event, 2011), director Remi Bezancon’s (The First Day of the Rest of Your Life) amusing, feel-good portrayal of modern day pregnancy: and, Ensemble, C’est Trop (Together is Too Much, 2010): A busy, young couple Clémentine and Sébastien get into trouble when Sébastien’s mother moves in after finding out that her husband Henri has been cheating on her. There are also more serious offerings, such as: . Elle s’Appelait Sarah (Sarah’s Key, 2010), starring Kristin Scott Thomas, which explores the round up of Parisian jews during World War II . and Au Fond Des Bois (Deep in the Woods, 2010) based on a real-life 19th century trial relating to the kidnapping of Josephine, the mentally unstable daughter of a country doctor. Movies are screened from Mar 9-18 in French with English subtitles at SFWorld Cinema, 7/F, CentralWorld, Rama 1 Rd., 02-268-8888. Check out the full lineup and ticket prices at