Indie cinema The Projector is showing no sign of slowing down, this time unveiling a month-long retrospective of the Coen Brothers filmography.

Starting Mar 10, the cinema will show films like Raising Arizona (Mar 10, 6:50pm) and Miller's Crossing (Mar 17, 8:55pm), but also cult hits like Fargo (Mar 17, 6:50pm), True Grit (Mar 10, 8:55pm), A Serious Man (Mar 16, 8:55pm) and Intolerable Cruelty (16 Mar, 6:50pm). They're still sorting out the exact dates, but what we do know is that there is a dress-up screening of the enormous cult hit The Big Lebowski on Mar 21, where everyone is encouraged to come as their favorite character, and White Russian cocktails will be served.

For the full schedule, keep checking here.