Singapore’s number one thespian returns to direct W!ld Rice’s uproarious stage adaption of Aladdin with a playlist that includes “Dancing Queen,” “Rehab” and “Born This Way.” He talks to Patrick Benjamin about the panto.

Aladdin is all about… fun, love and laughter.

We can't get enough of ABBA because… everyone secretly loves camp!

Pantomime is all about… being completely subversive. Men dressing as women, and women dressing as men.

My favorite scene is… where the elderly matriarch Amelia Neo of Amethyst Rise sings her own version of Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way.”

I love… Wizard Abbakadabrah because he’s so perverse!

If I was trapped in Batu Caves for a night… I’d be looking for a lamp to rub.

Aladdin, which features the theater debuts of Singapore Idols Hady Mirza and Sylvia Ratonel, runs through December 17 at Drama Centre, National Library.


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