Zara Thomas catches up with Huzi, producer and guitarist of Pet Conspiracy, before their gig at Baybeats 2011.

How would you describe the music you create?
Our music is like a sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, salty dish; there is something for everyone to connect to.

You often wear animal masks for your gigs. Why?
Just for a laugh. Anyway it also stops the crowd from knowing if we’re falling asleep behind the mask.

Describe the creative process behind your music.
I write the music, then Edo adds the drums. Mary and Yunyun chip in with the vocals.

Which albums do you love right now?
Gang Gang Dance’s Saint Dymphna. Recently, I came across a Hangzhou-based British band, Party Horse. Their song “Lazer Beam” is awesome. Also, there is a French group called We Are Not Invited. I’m helping them produce their album and I quite like their sound.

If you could only perform at one festival anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Definitely an intergalactic music festival. Mars would be perfect!

Catch the wild sounds of Pet Conspiracy on Aug 20 at Baybeats 2011. Log on to for more details.


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