Are you making the minimum monthly payments on your maxed-out credit card bills but still buying new things? Do you owe your friends money because you “forgot to bring your wallet”? Do you own a car you can’t drive because you don’t have enough money for gas? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, it’s likely that you are in some kind of debt.

Many Thais are spending money they don’t have and digging themselves deeper and deeper into the proverbial hole. If you’re one of the unlucky souls suffering from an acute case of “what the hell was I thinking when I bought that?” syndrome, the one and only way to get yourself out of debt is to actually pay your way out of it. The question is how to come up with the cash. Our experts offer a few suggestions to help you cope with your financial woes:

Hit up the ’rents

Cast that financial burden onto someone else, like your parents. Mommy and daddy have been taking care of your freeloading ass up until now, so why not ask them to bail you out one more time? Your parents are a prime source of some interest-free cash, but of course you’ll have to work out the terms and conditions of the loan with them. This solution obviously doesn’t work for everyone, but hey, if your parents are willing, don’t be shy!

Be like water

Think about liquidating some of your assets: sell your stuff. Cash is short, your 9-5 salary ain’t all that and you’ve got collectors breathing down your neck. Being attached to your personal belongings is one thing, but being attached to your fingers is another. Get the point? Hit up pawnshops, weekend tailgate markets and classifieds in papers or online. No matter where you sell it, don’t think of the cash as “free money”–put it toward your debts immediately so you won’t be tempted to spend it on something else.

2 become 1

Many people in debt have multiple maxed-out credit cards and a number of loans, and for some reason seem reluctant to let any of them go. If you can cut down the number of payments you’re making—by consolidating loans or credit card bills, for example–you will be able to pay off the remaining ones sooner and accrue less interest. Dumping your car may be the best way to lighten your debt load and pay off a substantial chunk of your credit card debt. Cancel any cards that you have been able to repay completely, leaving just one for emergencies. Actual emergencies.

The Old Switcheroo

You may feel that life’s not worth living if you don’t carry the right brand of handbag or dine at the right restaurants, but if you’re getting into debt because of social pressure, you need to get over it. Know your limits and prioritize your needs. You can still have your morning coffee, but get it from the street vendor, not the chic café. If you can cut back on unnecessary expenses, you’ll be out of debt sooner and you’ll be able to put that money toward something you really care about later on.


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