Issue Date: 
Dec 5 2013 - 11:00pm
city living



From bkpedia, the free lifestyle encyclopedia

For the use of the term "democracy" as referring to a system involving multiparty elections, representative government, and freedom of speech, see misguided Western media, you traitor.


Prayerocracy is a form of government in which privileged citizens with smartphones participate—either through Facebook or via Instagram—in the dissemination of images and hashtags to express peaceful but mostly anti-government feelings in the city-state of Bangkok.

Prayerocracy involves a transitional period meant to last 15 years, making it similar to Leninism. But while Leninsm is meant to secure all political power after a revolution for the working classes, Prayerocracy secures political power for people who owned cars before Yingluck’s tax rebate.

Prayerocracy contrasts with δημοκρατία (dēmokratía) "rule of the people," a form of government where power is held by a man in Dubai, through representative democracy, his sister and a Skype connection. In prayerocracy, power is also held by old men who hunger for a return to power, except they can’t get elected because no one actually likes them when it’s not protest season. As such, various forms of prayecrocracy exist, some of which call for a royally-appointed government, others which call for rainbow-colored unicorns to descend from the sky and solve all our problems.

The concept of representative democracy arose largely from ideas and institutions that developed in the West, where people suffer from obesity. These fatso un-Thai traitors have criticized prayerocracy for being an open door to forms of aristocracy (where an elite rules) or oligarchy (where few rule the many). Have they no heart? Don’t they understand? Prayerocracy is THAI! IF YOU LOVE THAILAND, YOU LOVE PRAYEROCRACY. And you can unfriend us on Facebook if you don't agree!  #prayforthailand #togetherwecan #ilovepraying

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