Issue Date: 
Nov 10 2013 - 11:00pm
city living

Dear Pry Ministur Ying Luck,


Hi, it’s me, Nong Daeng, your favoreat 8 year old pen pal. Did U have a good week? 555 Just kidding. Your life is suck right now, I know. Sorry!

I wanted to say thank you for the arm nesty bill. Mon and dad always fight about politik but now they stoped fight and agree that the bill is very very stoopeed buffalo poop. You are very smart to come up with something for every one to get along together! Is that what re-con-cee-lee-ay-shun mean?

my friend Somsak has a brother and he says he wish the army can kick him out of Thailand too. His brother is very big and always boss him around, steal his Fish-o fish snack then burp in his face. Yuck! Does Loong Maew ever burp in your face? Why do you want him to come back? Loong Maew looks so happy eating dim sum in Hong Kong all the time. If you miss him, you can go eat with him. He very rich, let him pay for the airplane 555

I rite 2 u because I have bad news, Missus Ying Luck. Your plan to make everyone be friends, it not work too good. Mom and dad they still fight even tho they both hate the arm nesty. Dad say mom is a hippo greed and that she is corrupt just like Thaksin. He say mom paid tea money to get me into my school because my grade suck. That's so stoopeed! My teacher only drink cofeemate.

Mom say even if the arm nesty gets put in the trash can, she want you to stop being Pry Ministur. Oh no! Are you sad? Or are you bored because you have to cry so much all the time. If you are not pry ministur, what will you do when you grow up? In my glass, girls all want to be veternareeyians. Mom said this is a good idea, so you can take care all the buffalo and komodo lizard. 555 

I hope you don’t cry so much this week! Drink lots of water and good luck, Missus Ying Luck.


Nong Daeng, 8

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